UPDATE! Reminder: Stay On Designated Trails Marked Open

UPDATE (March 28, 2024):
The Bureau of Land Management has made an announcement addressing unauthorized trails and reminding visitors to recreate responsibly by staying on authorized trails at the Fort Ord National Monument.
Click here to view the Bureau of Land Management’s announcement.
UPDATE (March 18, 2024):
This unauthorized trailhead was breached again.
U.S. Army BRAC staff are working with the Fort Ord National Monument staff and police to remove this illegally created trail. Illegal riders using the closed trail have been photographed and ticketed.
Illegal trail building is a safety hazard for visitors and the habitats at Fort Ord National Monument. Please remember to obey all signs and stay on designated trails that are signed open.
ORIGINAL POST (January 4, 2024):
In December, BRAC staff discovered this unauthorized trail entrance within BLM Area B project area. While the trail barrier was repaired, it has since been breached and repaired again. Reminder to please obey all posted signs and stay on numbered trails that are signed open. Note, red trail marker indicates a closed trail or path.
For more information on trails within the Fort Ord National Monument, click here to visit the Bureau of Land Management’s website.